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Turner Lions faced off in the notorious Battle of Josey Lane friday night. The game proved to be suspenseful with a series of anxiety inducing plays, and sadly the team fell short. Co-Captain and Senior, Somdipto Das spoke on the on the troubles of the team, “it was a complete mess up by our defense and offense alike.” While he was devastated by the loss, Somdipto hopes to leave behind a better legacy.

Despite Friday night's loss, Somdipto’s life has been a sequence of of success and triumphs. An active member of R.L. Turners community, he’s been involved in the prestigious Biomedical Academy, HOSA, National Honor Society, powerlifting, and track. His highschool career has been inspired by his appreciation for the medical field. He became a Biomed ambassador and participates in clinical rotations with intention of pursuing a double major in engineering and biology in the near future.

But, his true love has been football. Having been part of the team since his freshman year, his passion and love for the sport are evident in every word. “I'm a competitive person, and i hate losing.” While Turner lions lost the Battle Of Josey Lane, Som is frank in his belief that “[they] had better players overall, but a few undisciplined players cost [them] the game.” Even willing to admit that it was “the worst defensive game.” But as a captain, he is committed to being a great example for his fellow teammates, especially the underclassmen. He wishes to leave behind a legacy based on merit and determination. 



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