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Tissue Pom Pom Huntly, Amy. Tissue Paper Pom Poms. 2014. The Idea Room. Web. 30 July 2017.

Decorating a dorm can be stressful, expensive, and difficult. But no fear these DIYs are here to save the day with cute homemade projects that can bring any dorm to life and won’t break the bank. Here are seven dorm decor DIYs to help decorate this school year.


1.Want to hang pictures up but don't want to go through the hassle of getting frames? Try this clothespin clip DIY. This DIY allows you to display your fondest memories in a unique imaginative way. It’s easy, fast, and cheap. This will surely add a personal feel to your dorm and helps display those picture perfect moments.

Clothespin DIY

2. This space efficient DIY helps your bathroom stay organized more than ever. It can turn any boring bathroom, or room to stylish and chic. It doesn’t require much and only takes around 30 minutes. This mason jar DIY will save space and make sure everything you need is in one place.

Mason Jar DIY

3.This DIY  Hanging pin board allows you to display anything you want with a few simple materials: fabric, cardboard, a piece of string, and few staples. This board is perfect to hang up pictures, or reminders while being extremely convenient and cute. Turn any boring wall or extra space to an organizer board. This self-made board will sure help you remember all your daily task or some memories you don’t want to forget.

Hanging Pin Board DIY

4.Want to keep your floor tidy? With the help of this DIY shrug rug you can, it’s an alternative for a costly rug that helps your creativity shine. This shrug rug allows you to match your carpet with any color you want and offers a unique look to your dorm that you can’t buy in stores.  

Shrug Rug DIY

5.Sharing bathrooms can be difficult, but this original DIY allows you to keep your shower essentials together, so you won’t mix it with your roommates. This will certainly make your shower organized and tidy and won't take up too much space, or look bulky.

Hanging Bathroom Buckets DI

6. Put your extra tissues paper to good use with these pom poms DIY. Save some money for your tuition with this decor. Add some color to your dorm with these fun pom poms. This DIY  is sure to tie any dorm together. It only requires a few supplies and will surely have the extra ceiling space put to good use and make any dorm pop.

Pom Poms DIY

7. Don’t let boring furniture bring your dorm down. Try this bar stool DIY it allows any bar stool to become re-imagined. This project helps make any bar stool more comfortable, and fit your dorm style better. Try this innovative DIY and make that boring bar stool fun.

Bar Stool DIY

Don’t let decorating your dorm stress you out try one of these fun DIY today.


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