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Xitzel Hiking With Friends

 A Mu Alpha Theta member, NHS, Varsity Orchestra member and publicist, AMAT student, graphic editor for yearbook, member of student leadership group, 3.88 GPA and 14 in her class describe R.L Turner Senior Xitzel Jimenez. Although she has an outstanding record, Xitzel has had to overcome obstacles in her life. Her parents were immigrants from Mexico, her mother being the only one in her family to finish high school, her father not going past middle school. Despite this, her parents were able to live the American dream and give her the life they've dreamed of. Her parents didn’t grow up with much, in fact her grandfather was an activist in the Cesar Chavez protest. Xitzel however doesn’t see her family’s background as a barrier to her success, “you don’t necessarily have to come from an extremely educated family or have the best resources to be a good student”, said Xitzel. Xitzel has done well all her life beginning with Elementary school, being in the Gifted and Talented program at CFBISD and receiving the Nancy H. Strickland award. She’s lived in Carrollton for 16 years. She says growing up in Carrollton, especially in lower income section has changed how people view her as a student. She feels she has to prove that she can do just as well as any other student. Being Hispanic with immigrant parents pushed her to continue to prove herself. Xitzel has indeed proved herself with a near perfect Academic record and so much involvement in school. Her parents couldn’t be prouder, but at the end of the day they just want her to be happy. Xitzel says however that the stress from trying to be perfect adds up. “Sometimes I just want to give up, but I think that's part of being a teenager, but I hated the moments of anxiety and self doubt more, because it translated to weakness. I use to dream of going to an ivy league school, and these dreams seemed more like a prison as I continued to push, my parents hated that I did that to myself. They just wanted me to do what made me happy they didn't understand why I trying to prove myself, with time i realized they didn’t want or expect me to be a perfect student”. As Xitzel overcomes her struggles, she continues to thrive as she’s interested in “leaving a mark wherever she goes’, and indeed she will. She's interested in a career in media communication, and wants to attend the University of Texas at Austin next year. Xitzel exemplifies the idea that where you come from doesn’t determine one's value or future, but determination and ambition will take anyone far in life. She sets examples for other diverse students, and should be followed as an example.

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