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Cover band “Cherry Bomb” played a live show in Downtown Carrollton, leaving a memorable performance. Friends, families, local businesses, and even the occasional dog gathered to listen to this rock cover band. The concert was accompanied by ice cream, hot dogs, and hacky sack games. Not only was it entertaining for all ages, but also had incredible music! Cherry Bomb covered favorites such as Jet’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl”, and Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me”. As the weather slowly cooled, the show went on, and the crowd was able to get up and move more. Diana, a local Carrollton resident, called the concert “a good Saturday night”. Jose, another citizen described the event as “good music and good atmosphere”. Overall, this event was a fun night, Carrollton residents all came together to share their mutual love of rock and roll. This event to say the least, was successful and sets precedence for more fun events and socials.

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