Cindy Murray
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The Denton County Aggie Moms are at it again...cruising, that is.  With their 2017 Fundraiser Cruise in the works, these Aggie Moms are excited about their upcoming trip to Cozumel and Progreso, Mexico in June, and they want you to join them!

Cruising is fun and easy, and now everyone can take advantage of these great group rates while supporting a great cause – scholarships for Texas A&M University students and organizations.  Enjoy all the benefits of group cruising including special rates and other amenities, all while exploring the Western Caribbean with friends, family, or on your own.  You don’t even have to be an Aggie or Aggie mom – it’s just a super good deal on a fun cruise vacation!

“It’s been a great fundraiser and we had a lot of friends and family from the Denton County area who joined us on the last two cruises,” says Cindy Murray, a member of the fundraising committee and organizer of the group cruise.  “I think it’s been a great success, but to make it really successful, we need to reach out to people outside our Denton County club and grow this event into a lasting tradition.  I’m hoping the third time will be the charm!” 

Traditions are something Texas A&M families know all about.  After all, one of the school’s more popular sayings is “If it happens here once, it’s a coincidence.  If it happens here twice, it’s a tradition.”  Aggies love their traditions, and this Aggie Moms Club is no exception.  They are hoping that with time and the help of Aggie families everywhere, they can build lasting tradition, grow a strong scholarship fund and have a great time doing it!

The Denton County Aggie Moms Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to contributing to the morale and welfare of Aggie students, to encourage them, and to give back to A&M while having fun. The 2017 Aggie Mom’s Cruise will be the third in what the club hopes to be an annual event to raise funds for the club’s scholarship program.  Club members are calling on friends, family and the general public to book cabins on the June 17, 2017 sailing of the Carnival Valor from Galveston, Texas.

For more information about the Denton County Aggie Moms Fundraiser Cruise, please visit the club’s website at: or visit Crafty Neighbor Travel at

Hi! I'm Cindy Murray. I am the owner of Crafty Neighbor and Crafty Neighbor Travel. I enjoy crafting and travel and I like to combine the two whenever possible! - Contact Cindy at  
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