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The Magdalen House, a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles is pleased to announce that Amanda Dickstein, Sloan Looney Dix and Kate Looney Walters will serve as co-chairs at this year’s annual  Game, Set, Match tennis event. The annual fundraiser is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.

“As supporters of The Magdalen House, Amanda, Kate, and Sloan play an integral part in providing alcoholic women the opportunity to obtain long-term sobriety and a renewed quality of life,” says Melissa Retzch, Director of Development at The Magdalen House. “Through their commitment to our mission, they have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of women seeking change.”

Guests are invited to the Lakewood Country Club for a great day of tennis, entertainment and an amazing raffle. With each player ticket, attendees will receive one guaranteed game of Tennis 105, drinks, dinner, and an “ace” of an evening. There is space for all to play with three levels to choose from- beginner, intermediate, and advanced tournament with an award ceremony following all play. Spectator tickets are available for those who want to join the fun but don’t want to play the game. To purchase tickets, event sponsorship, or for more information please visit,

“I choose to support and volunteer at The Magdalen House because this house saved me,” says Game, Set, Match co-chair Amanda Dickstein. “I was completely uneducated on the disease of alcoholism and suffered in silence for so long I found myself on the brink of losing everything. At the Magdalen House, I was able to learn about this disease and found a community of women that would inevitably give me the tools to start a new life with meaning and purpose where I once felt nothing but shame and guilt. Thanks to the Magdalen House, I get to wake up every day and be proud of the wife, mother, daughter, friend and person that I am today. They gave me all of this at no cost, but I will continue to support and volunteer at this beautiful house in the hope that I can help provide this wonderful gift to another woman who still suffers.”

The Magdalen House is a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles. Founded in Dallas in 1987, The Magdalen House remains the only agency in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to offer comprehensive recovery services – without insurance or state funding – 100% free of charge. The Magdalen House is committed to helping alcoholic women achieve long-term, sustainable recovery through spiritually based, comprehensive programming. For more information visit

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