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Texas Dynanmix Level 4 gymnasts at the North State Championships- Michelle Chen, Alexia Esquivel, Sara Vogt, and Sara Sweet.

   Carrollton's Texas Dynamix Level 4 Gymnasts at North State!

     Texas Dynamix Gymnastics started November with a bang! Metropled Gymnastics in Allen, hosted the Level 4 North State Championships on November 2nd. Alexia  Esquieval and Sara Vogt ended their seasons with their best meet of the year. Sara Sweet earned 3rd in All-Around. Michelle Chen won Bars with a 9.7, won Beam with a 9.725, and won All-Around with a 38.075 for a 9.51875 average. She placed 2nd on Floor and 5th on Vault.

     Sara Sweet and Michelle quailified to the Level 4 State Championships, hosted by Achiever's Gymnastics. The meet will be the weekend before Thanksgiving at Swisher Courts in Lake Dallas. This weekend, the Level 3 gymnasts will compete in the North State Championships in Lubbock. Please check out the team's website-