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What do you get when you put a farmer and a chef under one roof? The most delicious quiche. The Coppell Farmers Market has a pretty strait forward mission: to foster a community gathering place with local food production at its center. So, our hearts throbbed when the talents of two particular vendors, Fisher Family Farm and Joe the Baker, came together last week.

I first caught wind of their collaboration when Joe Baker, trained pastry chef and owner of Joe the Baker, LLC, posted a photograph of the most perfectly golden quiche on his social media pages with a tag line that read “Check out the Fisher Family Farm & Ranch CSA for more fresh, seasonal, local veggies”.

Chef Joe’s quiche was made with Fisher’s Napa cabbage, leeks, and broccoli. Joe Baker and his family pick up their produce box subscription from Fisher Family Farm each week during the farmers market, but those who aren’t members of the farm’s CSA program can simply pick and choose veggies from the Fisher’s booth at the Coppell Farmers Market.

If you make your way to the Coppell Farmers Market this Saturday to round up cooking ingredients, be sure to visit both vendors because you’ll surely need a package of Joe Baker’s French macarons for dessert. The two vendors are nearly neighbors, located close to the pavilion’s east entrance.

Asiago Quiche with Leeks, Napa Cabbage, and Fresh Broccoli by Chef Joe Baker of Joe the Baker, LLC.  For the recipe in full, please click here.

The Coppell Winter Market is open Saturdays, 8:00am – noon at 768 West Main St in Old Town Coppell. Lone Star Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) and ATM cards can be used to purchase market tokens at the CFM info booth in the center of the pavilion.  and Facebook.

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