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Tim McCallum Announces Run for Mayor of the City of Rockwall

Current Rockwall City Councilman and longtime Rockwall resident and businessman, Tim McCallum announced today he intends to run for Mayor for the City of Rockwall, in the May 3, 2025, general elections.

McCallum seeks to lead the Rockwall City Council and to bring strong leadership to one of the state’s fastest growing cities.  Since his election in 2023, McCallum has become a central figure in fight against the high density and multifamily developments that have created mounting pressures on the city’s infrastructure.

“As Rockwall continues its dynamic growth, we need to continue our focus on keeping density low and standards high.  The recent approval of additional multifamily and high-density housing developments should be concerning to our citizens.  I have a high sense of urgency to address infrastructure needs and curb the high density and small lot sizes that developers continue proposing within our city.” explained McCallum. “We need to focus on effective traffic and transportation management through a focus on our infrastructure, on supporting economic development to keep our taxes low, updating our Comprehensive Plan to ensure the density that our citizens expect is properly reflected in the plan, and we must lay out a vision for our city that ensure the quality of life we all moved to Rockwall for endures.”

Since most recently running for office in 2023, McCallum has actively sought to make an impact in the city. He has hosted numerous community meetings focused on density and has successfully involved citizens in the fight against these high density developments, and he fought for the control of STRs. He helped ensure the implementation of  the State’s PACE program to promote funding for economic development within the City of Rockwall,  McCallum supported law enforcement through the creation of a Court of Record in the City of Rockwall to stop frivolous appeals from undercutting the city’s policeman, investigators, prosecutor, and judges. Additionally, he opened a Charter Review to focus on election integrity and to ensure citizens have a voice in choosing their elected officials. Finally, he called for and opened a review of the city’s Comprehensive Plan to ensure density and the growth of Rockwall aligns with the citizens current expectations.

McCallum recognizes the challenges facing Rockwall as it grows, including bringing common sense and collaboration to issues including traffic, infrastructure, development and support of the local business community.  As a strong fiscal conservative, he is firmly committed to protect Rockwall citizens from runaway tax hikes during this financially uncertain time and high home valuations.

McCallum is well known for his service to his community, having been twice awarded the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, for his many hours of service to various local and national organizations. Since moving to Rockwall in 1999, he has served in a variety of offices and volunteer positions, including:

  • Rockwall City Council 2003-2007
  • Rockwall City Council Mayor Pro Tem
  • Rockwall Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors.
  • Cain Middle School PTA President
  • Rockwall Heath HS HBO President
  • The Oaks of Buffalo Way HOA President


McCallum currently leads a dynamic team of high-tech professionals as president of Raze Media, a Dallas-based digital marketing agency. Prior to working in digital marketing, McCallum was the Chief Marketing Officer for Incomm International and had an award-winning career in the retail sector as an executive for 7-Eleven, Inc. where he gained appreciation for the everyday challenges facing business owners.

He and his wife Jennifer also own and operate He Wines She Dines, a private winery and wine club in Rockwall. They are members of the First United Methodist Church in Rockwall and have two children, Caroline and Andrew.

For more information on volunteering for or donating to McCallum’s campaign please visit .

Tuesday, 03 December 2024