Starts 02/21/2025 10:00 (Friday)
Ends 02/21/2025 13:30 (Friday) Central Standard Time
Duration 3h, 30m
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Self-injury Prevention IS Suicide Prevention!
This is Level 1 out of 3 and is based upon the first of the books, A Caregiver's Guide to Self-Injury. It addresses information that no other training in DFW provides on this topic.
Dispel common, hurtful myths that increase risk
3 CEUs for LPC, LMFT, LCDC, Social Work
Light Snacks and lunch, water, and tea included
This is NOT offered online and there are no plans to hold this event again.
Coppell is centrally located in the DFW area.
Go to EVENTBRITE NOW (link below) because only 18 seats still available!
Save a Life Today! Send this to school counselors, doctors, school nurses, youth ministers, and anyone who sees minors. The information could save their life.